Nail Services
Without gel
With gel
Without gel
With gel
Under 12 years old
Starting price
For 10 minutes
Nail trim, buff, cuticle care, massage, hot towel and regular polish
Nail trim, buff, cuticle care, massage, hot towel and regular polish, plus manicure
Nail trim, buff, cuticle care, massage, hot towel, regular polish, sugar scrub, basic Callus treatment, and paraffin wax
Nail trim, buff, cuticle care, massage, hot towel, regular polish, sugar scrub exfoliation, paraffin wax, legmasageand callus treatment
Choose from scents: lavender, green tea, cucumber, orange, jasmine, mint, or lemon
Nail trim, buff, cuticle care, massage, bath bomb, hot towel, regular polish, sugar scrub exfoliation, legs mask, hot rock massage , choice of paraffin wax or collagen sock
Choose from collagen scent: lavender, lemon, lemongrass, green tea, jasmine, rose, aloe vera or orange
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Kids under 10 years old
Kids under 10 years old
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